Tuesday, August 21, 2012

All You Need to Know

Toe-up / Toe-up
by Joe Groch - PGA


  1. Nice Video Joe. Think it would be a great thing for a beginner to start with.

  2. Great lesson on the fundamentals. You can't play the game well without them.

  3. I really liked how you broke down the swing in a more simplistic view, with the half swing. You did not over do it with the fundamentals, which can easily be done. The lesson was simple, concise and to the point. Great lesson Joe!

  4. Great lesson Joe, really basic but very fundamental. I remember when I was a junior this is one of the drills my instructor had me do and I plan on using it on my clients.

    1. Hi Joe!
      I really enjoyed your lesson video a lot! I would recommended for beginners, because it is a simple way to view the golf swing. I hope you post more videos like this so we can learn more about the game we love.

      Nick Phillips

  5. I like the simplicity of the lesson. The tone was relaxed and everything was explained nicely. I also really liked how you didn't say how someone should be swinging. Rather you gave the audience the key laws and principles of the correct positions of the club and the cause and effect if the club is in the wrong position.

  6. Love the "total picture" of the golf swing. Simple and yet something that most people do not even realize. This is a great technique for students to practice the feel of proper hand and club face position while coming through impact. Toe up to toe up is a quick reference for a student to gain immediate feedback and guidance for correctly performing this drill.

  7. Hey Joe,
    This blog idea is great and I look forward to having one of my own too
